2024 Summer Meeting Speakers

July 26 - 28, 2024
Four Seasons Hotel New Orleans
New Orleans, LA

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Proper Use of Legal Entities for Lawsuit Protection and Tax Reduction

Dan McNeff, BS, CFP, AA - CEO, Legally Mine, LLC

Mr. McNeff is the CEO of Legally Mine. In addition to running his own businesses for the last 20 years, he has served as the Senior Vice President of one of the Nation's largest financial services company for 15 years. He is a published author with one book and many magazine and newspaper articles.

Mr. McNeff has conducted hundreds of seminars and is responsible for helping thousands of people protect their assets and reduce their tax liability.


Legally Mine is a legal services company designed to protect business and personal assets as well as finding legitimate means of lowering tax liabilities. The company has been in business in its current format since 2007 and currently has more than 12,000 clients primarily coming from the medical and dental communities. Our priorities are education of the medical and dental communities through our seminars and preparing our clients to defeat both trial attorneys and over burdensome taxes.

Educational Objectives

  1. Legally Mine will show you how to stop the threat of lawsuits before they ever get started by protecting your assets in time tested and proven legal structures. These same structures allow us to help our tax attorneys save what you would normally pay in income taxes. These are little known tax helps that have significant case history and have stood the test of time.

Clinical Update on Minimal and Moderation Sedation for the Periodontal Surgeon
"The Rules of the Road for Safety and Effectiveness"

Sedation Updates and Methodologies Part I (Oral Sedation)

Sedation Updates and Methodologies Part II (IV Sedation)

Surgical Extractions Sedation Updates and Methodologies Part III (Complications and Management)

David Roberts, DDS - Dentist, Dr. David L. Roberts, DDS

Dr. David L. Roberts practice is focused on wisdom teeth and surgical extractions and with IV sedation, prioritizing safety and comfort. He graduated from the University of Illinois College of Dentistry in 1985 and completed a two-year post-doctoral residency at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. Recognized for his contributions to dentistry, Dr. Roberts is dedicated to patient safety and access to care. With over 30,000 patients served since 1987, he provides exceptional dental services. Outside of work, Dr. Roberts enjoys family time, tennis, and caring for their six dogs and two horses.  


It will provide Periodontists with a comprehensive update on both practical and clinically significant information relating to the delivery of sedation and anesthesia in their practices. The Goal will be to improve the safety and effectiveness of both Minimal Level 1 and Moderate Level 3 Sedation.

Educational Objectives

  1. Learn the importance of ADA Guidelines and the Definitions of Minimal and Moderate Sedation
  2. Improve Patient Selection Criteria skills for Minimal and Moderate Sedation
  3. Learn to properly Managing Patient Expectations for Minimal and Moderate Sedation
  4. Learn Safe Minimal and Moderate Sedation Techniques
  5. Learn the limitations of Minimal and Moderate Sedation (Know When to Refer or Abort a case)
  6. Learn Risk Management Strategies
  7. Review and Update Regulatory Issues Relative to Anesthesia and Sedation in Dentistry

Optional Training: Hands-on Model Surgery of Third Molar Extractions

David Roberts, DDS - Dentist, Dr. David L. Roberts, DDS

Dr. David L. Roberts practice is focused on wisdom teeth and surgical extractions and with IV sedation, prioritizing safety and comfort. He graduated from the University of Illinois College of Dentistry in 1985 and completed a two-year post-doctoral residency at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. Recognized for his contributions to dentistry, Dr. Roberts is dedicated to patient safety and access to care. With over 30,000 patients served since 1987, he provides exceptional dental services. Outside of work, Dr. Roberts enjoys family time, tennis, and caring for their six dogs and two horses.  


This limited attendance hands-on course will give the attendees the opportunity to perform Surgical third molar techniques discussed in the morning session on a high-quality dental surgical model

Attendees are encouraged to bring surgical loops with illumination.

Educational Objectives

Surgical Extraction of an Impacted Maxillary Third Molar #1

  • Perform a surgical flap on a vertically Impacted Maxillary Third Molar
  • Perform bone removal to expose a vertically Impacted Maxillary Third Molar
  • Perform an extraction of a vertically Impacted Maxillary Third Molar
  • Perform closure following the extraction of an Impacted Maxillary Third Molar

Surgical Extraction of an Impacted Mandibular Third Molar #17

  • Perform a surgical flap on a Mesio-Angular Impacted Mandibular Third Molar
  • Perform bone removal and section a Mesio-Angular Impacted Mandibular Third Molar
  • Perform an extraction of Mesio-Angular Impacted Mandibular Third Molar
  • Perform closure following the extraction of Mesio-Angular Impacted Mandibular Third Molar

Moderated Open Discussion of Various Surgical Case Presentations with Audience Participation

  • Learn to improve pre-operative thinking in dental and medical case selection
  • Learn to improve Treatment planning for dental surgical extractions
  • Learn to improve critical thinking during the surgical procedures

Optional Training: CBCT Analysis and Report Writing

Varsha Kadyan, BDS, MDS - Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist, iMagDent

Dr. Varsha Kadyan was born and raised in India and received her dental degree (BDS) from India in 2012. She practiced general dentistry for couple of years before moving to the United States. She completed her residency in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology at the University of Connecticut Health Center, School of Dental Medicine leading to a certificate and a Master of Dental Science degree. She is an active member of several professional organizations including: American Dental Association, American Society of Head and Neck Radiology, Texas Dental Association, and the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. Dr. Varsha Kadyan is the CEO and Chief Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist at iMagDent, which is the most advanced and digital dental imaging center with multiple locations in Texas and Omaha (Nebraska). She has presented and lectured at various conferences, seminars, and dental schools in the United States and in India.  In her leisure time, Dr. Kadyan enjoys spending time with her family and friends, music, and art.


Using CBCT effectively as a diagnostic tool and hands-on workshop including the review of 5-8 cases to demonstrate the importance of third eye (3-D) imaging in dentistry

CBCT Legal Liabilities, 3-D Anatomy and Common Pathology & Incidental Findings

Varsha Kadyan, BDS, MDS - Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist, iMagDent

Dr. Varsha Kadyan was born and raised in India and received her dental degree (BDS) from India in 2012. She practiced general dentistry for couple of years before moving to the United States. She completed her residency in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology at the University of Connecticut Health Center, School of Dental Medicine leading to a certificate and a Master of Dental Science degree. She is an active member of several professional organizations including: American Dental Association, American Society of Head and Neck Radiology, Texas Dental Association, and the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. Dr. Varsha Kadyan is the CEO and Chief Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist at iMagDent, which is the most advanced and digital dental imaging center with multiple locations in Texas and Omaha (Nebraska). She has presented and lectured at various conferences, seminars, and dental schools in the United States and in India.  In her leisure time, Dr. Kadyan enjoys spending time with her family and friends, music, and art.


CBCT technology has transformed the practice of dentistry and has become the standard of care. CBCT has not only improved diagnosis and treatment outcome but also helped with patient education and treatment acceptance. In this lecture, participants will gain a better understanding of basics of CBCT imaging and 3D anatomy, including normal and variant of normal anatomy, learn to navigate a CBCT volume, and interpret radiographic findings and the associated legal liabilities.

Educational Objectives

  1. Basics of CBCT imaging and 3-Anatomy.
  2. Legal Liabilities associated with CBCT imaging.
  3. How to navigate CBCT volume, understanding importance of radiology interpretation.

Additional Educational Objectives (if applicable):
Learn and recognize common pathology and incidental findings.

  1. Diagnose: Understand early intervention guidelines based on American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) peri-implant soft and hard deficiencies.
  2. Treatment: Biofilm-focused titanium and ceramic implant maintenance for all forms of implant-borne restorations / prostheses.


Thank You to our 2025 Winter Meeting Sponsors!

PerioView Logo Legally Mine - Orem, UT LogoNobel Biocare LogoSpecialized Dental Partners LogoElemental Logo