2021 Summer Newsletter
Edition 2


In This Edition...

  1. Annual Meeting Minutes and Nominating Committee Report
  2. 2021 Prichard Competition Held Virtually at the SWSP Winter Meeting
  3. Join the Southwest Society of Periodontists at the 2021 Summer Meeting!

Annual Meeting Minutes and Nominating Committee Report

The Meeting Minutes from the Society’s Winter Business Meeting are linked below.

View Minutes

The Nominating Committee Report from the meeting is as follows:

Nominating Committee – Dr. Natalie Frost reported on the nominees for the Slate of Candidates for 2021-2022.

The Slate of Candidates is as follows:

President-Elect – Dr. Takanari Miyamoto
Secretary-Elect – Dr. Yong-Hee Chun
Treasurer-Elect – Dr. Daniella Zambon
Member at Large – Dr. Ali Sajadi
Member at Large – Dr. Kayleigh Eaves-Temple

During the Business Meeting the following motion was passed:

Dr. Matt Steffer moved approval of the Slate of Candidates as presented. Dr. Shelby Nelson seconded the motion. Motion passed.

If you have any questions concerning the Business Meeting Minutes, please contact the Society via email at [email protected].

2021 Prichard Competition Held Virtually at the SWSP Winter Meeting

The 2021 John F. Prichard Graduate Research Competition was an outstanding success once again. Fourteen abstracts were submitted from the University of Colorado, University of Colorado at Denver, Air Force Postgraduate Dental School, Louisiana State University, Texas A & M College of Dentistry, University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston, University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry, and UT Health San Antonio School of Dentistry.

Eleven judges, from residency programs as well as clinical judges, participated in the scoring of the abstracts. Based on this review, six abstracts were selected for oral presentation.

On January 22, 2021, eleven judges heard oral presentations of the selected abstracts during the first ever Virtual Prichard Competition. The winner of the Prichard Competition in the Clinical Sciences Research Category was Dr. Michael Vieth. The winner of the Prichard Competition in the Basic Sciences Research Category was Dr. Ryushiro Sugita. Both Dr. Vieth and Dr. Sugita are with the University of Texas Health San Antonio.

Congratulations to Dr. Vieth and Dr. Sugita as well as to the other four presenters.

The awards were presented on January 23rd during the Saturday afternoon virtual Education Session. Procter & Gamble was recognized for their support of the competition. The 2021 competition once again demonstrated the exceptional research being conducted within the residency program within the Society. The written abstracts and oral presentations were outstanding. Many thanks to the Judges for their time and willingness to participate in this year’s competition.

The purpose of the Prichard Award is to establish, maintain, and encourage participation in scientific presentations to fulfill the mission and goals of the Society and honor the memory of Dr. John F. Prichard. For anyone interested in participating, learn more about the guidelines for participation at http://www.swsp.org/prichard-award-guidelines.

Thank you to our Prichard Award Sponsor!

View Abstracts

Join the Southwest Society of Periodontists at the 2021 Summer Meeting!

July 30 - August 1, 2021
Hyatt Hill Country Resort & Spa
9800 Hyatt Resort Drive
San Antonio, TX 78251

The 2021 Summer Meeting will provide educational and networking opportunities for periodontists and dental professionals in the Southwest region.

This year's meeting features Frank Schwarz, Prof. Dr. med. dent. with Carolinum, Goethe University Frankfurt. His lectures will focus on treatment concepts for the management of peri-implant disease and autogenous tooth roots for localized alveolar ridge augmentation. Dr. Schwarz is based in Germany and will make every effort to attend in person, although his lecture may be streamed into the session room if travel restrictions prevent his in-person attendance.

Please know that precautions will be taken during the meeting to protect as much as possible the health and safety of all Summer Meeting attendees. The SWSP Board of Directors and conference venue will determine what COVID-related procedures will be implemented based on the state of the pandemic at the time of the conference.

Agenda, Registration and Hotel Information can be found at the following link.

Summer Meeting Information

Thank You to our 2025 Winter Meeting Sponsors!

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